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Monday, September 12, 2011

Reunited And It Feels So Good!

Today the title was a recurring theme.

It started 1st period when I had my first math class of the first year and Emily and Lucy were in it! The three of us were so happy because it was just like back in grade 10 (2 years ago) in science 1206.

It was also cane ti surface 2nd period in Francais because M. Myles who taught us in grade 10 and took a year of leave is back!! That was awesome... it was nice because not once in my grade 11 year did I hear the word "griffinages" in french class. Griffinage means doodle, and right away he brok it out referring to me, and I wasn't even doodling LOL! He is great and I am so glad he is back.

After 3rd period, when I was putting my stuff in my locker to go to lunch I got a grand pat on the back/shoulder by Mr. rao (theater teacher) as he passed by, and I gave him a bit of a smile and a nod.
At lunch Tristen or as I call him in school "my tenner friend" managed to find me, I chilled with him lunch time, being  my regular foolish self.

Last period, was english! There was a lot of mention about Ms heneghans level 2 (grade 11) class last year, at least a 3rd of her grade 12 class this year were in it, so she was the one making mention to it, and we had a laugh sharing memories and reliving them! It was also a "reunited moment" because of myself, Emily and Peter were buddying around in the same class, again, just like in science 1206 in grade 10!

I don't have much time for a post, so that's it for today.

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